Monday, April 12, 2010

Week 34

6 weeks left!

Ok, now I'm getting nervous! There are so many things we want to get done before baby arrives, I hope she doesn't come early. But, we'd better install the car seat and pack a hospital bag just in case.

I just had my 34 week doctor's appointment today and met the third of 5 doctors who may possibly deliver our baby. He was great. I'm hoping that if our doctor isn't available (which happens about half of the time, apparently), then we get this doctor. The appointment went well. I've gained a total of 21 pounds so far and am measuring right at 34 weeks. Baby had a heartbeat of 156 today. Perfect for the active little girl she was at the time. (Right now she just has the hiccups)

On Friday, Kris' co-workers threw us a baby shower. It was so amazing how many people were there to wish us well and how generous everyone was. Today, my goal is get everything organized. We don't have a dresser or changing table yet, so I can't put it all away; but, I can at least get an idea of what we have, what we still need, and where it's all going to go :)

One little update to the baby's room this week. There was a HUGE ceiling fan in the room that looked like this:

We (and by that, I mean Kris did most of the work...I just searched for dropped screws and handed him pieces as needed) replaced it with a smaller fan that matches the Dr. Seuss decor perfectly. And, I found it at Goodwill for only $10!

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