Saturday, May 22, 2010

Almost There

Almost time! No signs of labor yet, but tomorrow is baby Annabelle's due date. We have a doctor's appointment on Monday morning, so until then...

A quick "kids are funny" story. My neighbor and her 3 year old son came over the other day to drop off a grocery cart cover (yea!). She told me that Avery (that's her son) asked her if the baby was here yet. She said, "No, she's still in Michelle's tummy." He asked, "When's she going to crawl out?"

We made lots of plans this weekend to keep my mind busy. Just finished watching Avatar and now we're grilling out. Earlier we went to an arts fair and I had a GREAT morning of garage sale shopping. I found an awesome excersaucer for only $10...perfect condition and all the extras are still there! Then, I found the motherload of 6-9 month clothing in perfect condition (mostly Carters)...5 pieces for a $1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I bought $7 worth of clothing and such)

A few other little toys and books brought the total to just over $20 for the day :)
Here are some pics of the haul...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

39 Week Pics

As requested, here are a few pics at 39 weeks. I think I look pretty much the same as the 38 week pictures, but Kris is convinced my belly is still getting bigger. I read something I though was pretty funny in one of my pregnancy books the other day. It said you know that you're in the last few weeks of pregnancy when your belly starts to get corners! So's a constantly evolving shape and you can see feet or knees just sticking out there sometimes.

Monday, May 17, 2010

39 Weeks or T-1

I can't believe our due date is only 1 week away (ok...6 days!). No signs of labor yet, so I don't think Kris is going to get his wish that he shares a bday (the 18th) with the baby. I'm kind of at the point now of not knowing what to do next. The room is ready, plans are made, etc. Now what? I guess just enjoy the naps that I'm able to take and prepare myself, right?

One bit of excitement. We got our Moby wrap in the mail on Friday. Below is the newborn cradle hold. There are lots and lots of ways to use the Moby and we loved getting a chance to try it out with our nephew Noah while we visited Kris' family at Christmas.

Monday, May 10, 2010

38 Weeks or T - 2

Well, baby could come any time now! For someone who likes to have everything planned out, it's difficult to know she could be here tomorrow or 4 weeks from now! In many ways, I can't wait. But, I'm definitely nervous about the whole experience. Other moms have reassured me time and again that I'll be able to handle everything just find. I think a lot of it is just not knowing exactly what's coming.

On Saturday, Kris and I had a night out together to see Cirque du Soliel's Alegria. We were supposed to go to a Japanese Steakhouse first, but they didn't have any dinner times available (darn prom season!) We ended up going to a mall to walk around, visiting the Science Center, and then going to Blueberry Hill (kind of an independent Hard Rock Cafe...frequently a host of Chuck Berry). On the way into St Louis I had some pretty bad Braxton Hicks contractions. But, they weren't at all loooooong one for about 20 minutes. We think maybe I was just a little dehydrated, so I've been trying to constantly drink water!

On Sunday, Kris took some pics of the baby belly (and me) in our yard. Next time, I'm going to have to actually do something to my hair before the pictures! I tried to take it out of the ponytail and ended up looking like Chewbacca! Nonetheless, here are two of the pics: