Monday, June 28, 2010

One Month Old

Hi! I'm one month old!

I took the above picture on Sunday morning. Her one month "birthday" and happened to catch one of her sort-of smiles.
She is now 20 1/2 inches and 9 pounds, 2 1/2 ounces. So, she's grown one inch and gained 1 1/2 pounds! What a good little eater!

Yum! Chili Spaghetti! (Thank you Aunt Clare and Erica for the awesome high chair)

She had her one month pediatrician appointment today. It was also my first experience with taking her to the doctor (I couldn't make it to her one week appointment...epidural headache). She did very well. First, she had all her measurements taken. Then, she had a quick exam with a nurse practitioner student and another with the pediatrician. She wasn't a happy baby by the time it was the pediatrician's turn.

I had a happy parenting moment at the pediatrician's office. She was screaming by the time the doctor was done and still screaming when the doctor picked her up, but she calmed down almost immediately when the doctor put her back in my arms :) Now, if only she'd do that from about 9-11am and 4-9pm every day. Speaking of her fussy times... That's the bad news...after writing down my observations, convinced there was something about her feedings causing all the fussiness, the pediatrician diagnosed it as...colic :( She said to just keep doing what I'm doing in trying to calm her down and that things should start getting better by the time she's about 3 months. So, what am I doing? Here are some things that (sometimes) calm down a fussy Annabelle:

The swing (as previously mentioned and photographed)
Being propped up in the Boppy pillow and watching the fish tank (or mom/dad's face)
Having someone walk around with her (the Moby makes this much easier)
Being swaddled
Rocking in glider while I hum
Going outside (as I discovered yesterday, she loves looking at the leaves)
Rocking in the car seat
Driving (well, being driven around)
Being pushed around in the stroller
A pacifier
We just never know which is going to work and for how long (2 minutes? 40 minutes? not at all?)

Here are some pics of the Boppy and the Moby.

Ah...this is the life (at 5:30am).

Can you see her head of hair poking out?

I also finally got some pictures of her little, tiny feet.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Annabelle Update

We can't believe that Annabelle is already 3 weeks old! Where did the time go?
Here are a few more updates about the little bundle...

Annabelle has been pretty good so far. But, like all babies, she has her fussy times. Mainly when she's trying to make her diaper dirty or get out all though gas bubbles. (On a side note, anybody have any success with gripe juice?) The other day, she was having a particularly fussy time and we couldn't find anything to calm her. Until...the swing! I am so, so, so glad we found this at a garage sale earlier this spring! And, yes, that is her natural hairdo. Apparently, she has hair just like her dad did as a baby...lucky girl :)

There is no better feeling than when Annabelle gives one of her unexpected smiles. Although they are still random at this point, I can't help but get a huge grin on my face as well. I haven't been able to catch one on camera yet, but here's a little one she gave in her sleep on the 13th.
She's also starting to grow out of some of her newborn clothes. The legs on some of the sleeps are a little too short (as seen in this pic) and the gerber newborn onesies never fit her :( the good news is that we have lots and lots of cute 0-3 month clothing just waiting to be worn (although a lot of it is too big still).

I've had the awesome blessing of having the help of my mom through this entire time. She'll be heading home early next week and I'm really nervous about my first days on my own! Mom has been great support and Annabelle has had a wonderful time getting to know her grandmother. Here's a pic of a peaceful Annabelle sleeping on grandma's shoulder.

Annabelle has also had two visits from her Grandpa Dube! The first time he was here, I was impaired by the epidural headache, so the visit wasn't very much fun. But, this past weekend he got to see Annabelle in action and had a chance to hold her, play with her, and take lots of pictures (which I hope to get my hands on soon!). Here's a picture of Annabelle with her grandpa.

Kris is a great father! Not only is he back to work full time; he comes home and plays with Annabelle, changes her diapers and helps out with feedings. You can see the adoration he has for his baby girl in his eyes when he holds her. However, just like any one else, he dislikes those smelly diapers. Here's his attempt to get out of dirty diaper duty. Good try...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Little about Annabelle

Some things I've learned about Annabelle during her first few weeks.

She is a pretty good sleeper. She loves to be swaddled although I'm afraid she's getting too hot sometimes. Maybe it's time to turn down the thermostat a little more. A pic of her all swaddled up.

She can follow things with her eyes as long as you don't move them too quickly.

This face means, "I'm trying to poop!"

We have the Dr Seuss quilt folded over the back of the glider. While burping her over my shoulder, she loves to lift her head up to look at the characters. Sometimes she'll try to scratch at them.

Speaking of holding her head up; she's incredibly strong. Here's a pic of her holding it up to look at Kris while hanging out on the Boppy pillow.

She hates baths. But, on the upside, she wears herself out and sleeps really well afterward. Something we'll have to keep in mind. Here's a rare moment that she wasn't screaming during her first dip in the tub.

And, no matter how I try to comb it, her hair has a mind of it's own and generally ends up looking like this.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Birth Story

Warning, this is quite long. I tried to keep it PG :)
So here goes...

On Wednesday, May 26th we had a non-stress test in the afternoon. They hooked me up to the monitors and watched Annabelle's heart rate and tracked contractions (I was having them every 5 minutes or so, but didn't really feel them...just a little tightening now and then). They also did an ultrasound to check the amniotic fluid (plenty there!) and we got to see Annabelle again on screen! They watched the monitors for quite a while (much longer than they originally had told me), but didn't say what they were looking at.

We left the hospital around 5pm and headed to Steak and Shake for dinner. About half way through dinner, I started feeling the contractions and we had to make an escape. Funny thing...our next door neighbors had just walked in and were sitting near the exit and it would have been just too rude to pass by without saying hello. So, they were the first to know that it "was time." Kris called the doctor and he said to go home until the contractions were about 1 minute long and 5 minutes apart.

We went home. By the time we got there the contractions were lasting about 30-45 seconds and coming about every 5 minutes. By 7pm they were about 40-45 seconds and every 3 to 4 minutes. I really didn't want to go to the hospital...I just wasn't ready! But, we called the doctor back and he said we had better come in.

When we got to the hospital they hooked me up to the monitors and had me lay down. Unfortunately, there wasn't any progress from my appointment on Tuesday. But, they wanted me to stay for observation considering how close the contractions were. By 11pm, still very little progress. I begged the nurse to let me walk around instead of being hooked up to the monitors (I had to beg earlier to let me even sit or stand...laying down was just awful!) After walking around for a little over an hour and sitting on the ball, we had progressed to 3cm dilated and 90% effaced (from 1cm and 0%). The nurse said she could give me statin (?) for the pain, but that I would have to stay lying down or I could keep going and wait to get the epidural at 5cm. I chose to wait.

Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to walk around any more (back on the monitors), but she did let me sit and stand as often as the doctor approved. When I laid down, they had me lay on my right side and kept watching Annabelle's heart rate.

By 3am we were 5cm dilated and 100% effaced....time for the epidural! :)
They called the anesthesiologist and we were ready to being the epidural by 3:45am. He had a lot of trouble getting it into place. He "really liked" one space, but every time he inserted the tube I got a lot of pain in my right hip and leg. He took everything out and tried again. Finally, he gave up on that space and moved up one vertebrae. One little zing and we had success!

He started me on a low dose of whatever magic potion they put in the epidural and I had lost feeling in my legs within 5 minutes (and no contraction pain!). But, then the madness began. My blood pressure fell to 79 /36 and Annabelle's heart rate fell. So, they gave me a shot of epinephrine. That fixed the blood pressure, but I then went into a contraction that lasted almost 5 minutes before they gave me something else to stop it (Annabelle got really stressed). Thank goodness I couldn't feel that contraction! Everything was stabilized by about 4:30am and Kris was allowed back in the room.

On a side note, about this time another woman came into the hospital and had her baby by 6am!!! The sound of her crying baby made me so happy and reminded me what we were working towards.

They told us to try to get some rest. Kris fell asleep (yeah!), but I just couldn't stop listening to the "beep, beep, beep" of Annabelle's heart rate. And, the nurse kept coming in and having me change positions to see how things reacted. I first knew something was really not right when she had me lie on my left side and came rushing back in less than 5 minutes later to switch me back to my right side (I couldn't move by myself due to the numb legs).

By about 6am the nurse explained what they had been watching this whole time. Whenever I had a contraction, Annabelle was getting very stressed. Her heart rate looked great in between contractions, but they were worried. I had also stopped progressing (I wonder if it had anything to do with the meds they gave me to stop that mega-contraction) even though they had broken my water and I was still having contractions (although they were further apart).

By 7am the doctor came in to talk with me and said that a c-section might be necessary. It had been 4 hours since I'd progressed at all and they didn't want to give me pitocin to speed things up because of the stress Annabelle was in. He said he would watch her reactions to the contraction for a while. He was back in the room within 10 minutes and said he wanted to do a c-section. He explained that if there were just one issue, he may feel comfortable watching things a little longer, but that there were too many issues: my fluctuating blood pressure (kept dropping too low), Annabelle's low heart rate (it dropped as low as 60bpm - her heart rate now is 120bpm), the lack of progress but inability to use pitocin to speed it up, and now I was bleeding. I was really, really upset and blamed myself for wanting the epidural. Convinced that if I had just "toughed it out" she might have been okay. Kris was great! He pointed out that we had followed our birth plan (no intervention until 5cm) and that Annabelle's heart rate had been reacting funny the whole time. The nurses asked the doctor if they should call this in as an emergency, urgent, or to fit it in as soon as they could. The doctor said, absolutely urgent. I don't want to wait more than 1/2 an hour because he felt that we'd end up with an emergency c-section if the wait were any longer. In a way, that made me feel better. He was concerned enough not to wait, so I felt like it was the right decision.

By 7:30am I was in the operating room waiting for Kris to get "scrubbed" while a million people buzzed around me.
At 7:40am they began the c-section.
At 7:44am Annabelle was born!!! :)

Kris peeked over the drape to watch her being born and I could hear her cry! It was the best sound in the whole world!
They brought her over to be evaluated and Kris was able to go watch. I could see bits and pieces of her, but was just aching to see her face. She scored 9 out of 10 on her Apgar tests and they carried her over so I could see her perfect, beautiful face.

Kris and I spent the rest of the time (while they were stitching me up) watching our little baby girl as they continued with all of the cleaning and testing and such.
At 5 minutes she scored another 9 out of 10 on her Apgar tests.

The doctor never could determine exactly what was happening that was causing Annabelle to be under so much stress. The cord wasn't wrapped around her and she was obviously very healthy from her very first minute of life. Their best guess is that the cord was wedged in somewhere that it kept getting crushed during each contraction. Who knows?

Regardless, we ended up with the best possible outcome: a happy, healthy baby girl!

Welcome to the world Annabelle Caroline Ying!
Birthdate: May 27, 2010 at 7:44 a.m.
Weight: 7lbs. 10oz
Height: 19 1/2 in