Monday, November 7, 2011

Halloween Festivities

We took several trips to the pumpkin patch this year simply because Annabelle couldn't get enough of playing in the corn!

Annabelle was not too fond of the "icky" insides of the pumpkin that Kris carved. But, she LOVED decorating hers with markers.

While trick-or-treating in downtown Washington (at the businesses), Annabelle saw another pumpkin.

This year we took Annabelle trick-or-treating at two neighbor's houses. She had a good time, but I think she enjoyed giving things out more than receiving them :)

Annabelle really enjoyed pouring her candy out of the bucket and then putting it back piece by piece.

Misc October Pictures

Annabelle is quite a busy girl these days. Some of the new things she has been doing:

Finally starting to talk a little: Mama, Dada, Cheese, Socks, Shoes, What's This and What's That are down pat; she's also tried out Ball, Up, Down, and Tissue (darn allergies)

She has starting to try to "feed" her stuffed animals (well, really anything with a mouth...including her rocking giraffe)

She loves her cozy coupe, but hasn't quite figured out how to make it "go"

She loves to "jump" in piles of leaves. Every time Kris or I would get a small pile going she would come over and jump in it, lay down in it, or kick them.

She can kick a ball.

She still loves to read and will get piles of books out, sit next to the couch and go through them one by one. She even knows when the book is upside down and will turn it around. Although the "camel on the ceiling" page of her Dr Seuss ABC book confuses her.

She's a pretty good eater. Her favorites are still cheese and fruit.

Although we've had some beautiful weather in October, there have also been a fair share of rainy/cold days. I've tried to come up with fun, new things to do to keep Annabelle occupied. She LOVES playing with giant pom poms, putting them in and out of all sorts of containers. I also tried goop (cornstarch and water) and shaving cream on her high chair tray. It seems that although she doesn't hesitate to pick up handfuls of mud, she doesn't like her hands to be sticky.

Kris' company picnic was held in October as well. Annabelle's favorite part was a bouncy house especially for toddlers.

We have discovered Annabelle is particular ticklish under her arms :)