Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Love a Piano

Kris took some great pictures of Annabelle playing piano with me the other day. She alternates between banging with both hands

and pressing individual keys with one finger.

If we move the bench, she'll cruise along the length of the piano, pressing all the keys as she goes.

10 Months!

Annabelle turned 10 months on Sunday!

Eating: She has four bottles a day, 6 ounces or so each. She's been having one per night as well...so much for the four night she slept for 12 hours without waking :( She eats about 2 jars of baby food a day plus some finger foods. This is a big change since 9 months when is was maybe 1 jar a day. She really wants to eat what we're eating, but it's tough when she only has two teeth. She does love to chew on non-food things still. I have to put her in the pack and play when I vacuum because she wants to chew on the cord.

Moving: She cruises like a champ. Kris and I were just talking yesterday about how amazing it is to think that a few months ago it took her a few minutes to pull up and make her way down the length of the couch. Now, it's a few seconds! She's getting sooooo close to standing and will let go for a few seconds, but just not quite there yet.

Talking: She babbles a lot, but it's sounding more and more like real words. One things she's started doing a lot is pointing to things and saying "ooh". Like this...

Playing: Some of her favorite things to do:
Look at ANYTHING new. She inspects things with great intensity and is finally at the point where it doesn't go into her mouth...at least not right away.
Go outside - something about being outdoors has an amazing calming affect on this otherwise hyper girl.
Climb. She has started to try to climb on top of her activity table...even when it's in the middle of the room...where's she going to go then?
Look at books. I still read to her before every nap and at bedtime, but she has a stash of books that she can "read" any time she wants. It's funny to listen to her babble while looking at them. She also points at the pictures on every page.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Annabelle's a Chatterbox

One of the first times Annabelle has "pretended" to use something for it's real purpose.

Maybe I talk on the phone too much :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spaghetti Dinner

We have been giving Annabelle the same foods we're eating whenever we can. She loves to feed herself and eat like a "big girl". The other day we had spaghetti. Don't worry, all the other pieces we gave her were nice and small...no choking hazards... But, Daddy just had to see what she would do with a longer piece. I have to admit...it's pretty funny...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Annabelle's Push Toy

For a few weeks, Annabelle has been able to "walk" behind her push toy and "walk" while holding on to our fingers. But, in the past week or so she has started pulling up on things and pushing them around on her own. We've been trying to get a video of her, but she's distracted by the camera every time. This is the best we could do...

Friday, March 4, 2011

A few random images

Annabelle decided to make her way behind one of her toys. She wasn't too happy about it. Until...she started trying to use it as a stepping stool to climb the wall! I wish I had a picture, but I was too nervous to not have both hands available for a fall!

Annabelle can walk behind her push toy, but doesn't really like to. Here's a rare moment...

On one of the beautiful days we've had recently, Kris made it home from work while there was still sunshine, so we went outside. He took a great picture of us with her new ball!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

9 Months Old

Annabelle turned 9 months old on Sunday! We had her Dr's appointment yesterday and found out she is 27 inches (25th percentile) and 15 pounds 5 ounces (back on the chart at the 3rd percentile). We're so happy she's healthy and growing.

Eating - Annabelle eats four bottles a day, about 5-7 ounces each and two bottles at night (much tot he chagrin of her mommy and daddy). She usually eats about 1/2 a container of baby food twice a day as well. Her pediatrician encouraged us to up the solids and not worry if her formula intake decreases a bit. So, we started eating breakfast this morning. Mangoes and a little baby oatmeal.

Talking - Annabelle "says" lots of things...we just don't know what she's saying. Some of the sounds she makes are blah, dah, mah, bah, lah, th, nah, eh...along with grunts, squeals and other indescribable remarks.

Playing - Annabelle is constantly finding new things to explore. The other day I caught her pulling the heater vent out of the floor! She is one STRONG little girl. She also likes to take things out of boxes, bags, baskets, etc. Although she has recently started putting things back in as well. Some of her favorite things to play with right now are blocks and links. She also loves books and will listen quietly to a story before naptime or bedtime (as long as she's not too too tired).

Moving - Annabelle loves to move! She is an expert crawler and cruiser. People keep commenting that they think she sill be standing and walking. She will stand holding on with one hand and will walk while holding on to our fingers. She can also walk behind her push toy, but doesn't really seem to like it very much. So, we're hoping that means we have at least a few more months!

"What's over here?"

"Is there anything behind the chair?"

"Okay, mom, I'll sit pretty for the picture"