Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!

After looking through our pictures from our Thanksgiving trip I'm realizing that we will certainly need to be sure to take more of Annabelle with her all her family members at Christmastime.

Annabelle was sure to help out any way should could (forget the toy laying on the floor...there's a suitcase here!) Also an example of how she's pulling up onto her knees now...

Annabelle hadn't seen her Uncle Paul since she was 7 weeks old, but no one could have guessed. She LOVED spending time with him...just look at the fun they had!

Annabelle got to "try" mashed potatoes...mostly just smoosh them around. Not sure exactly what she though of them or if she even knew they were food.

Next up? Christmas! Grandma just had to get her this Christmas sweater when she saw it. For those of you who don't know my mom, she has been making elaborately decorated gingerbread people for years.

6 Months Old

Annabelle turned 6 months while we were in KY visiting my family. We celebrated with half a birthday cake (hard to tell in the picture, but I promise there's only half there). She seems pretty happy about it even though she didn't get to eat any (mom and grandma certainly enjoyed it though).

At 6 months she is now 25 1/4 inches (25th percentile) and 13 pounds, 2 ounces (5th percentile).
She's doing quite well with getting around. She isn't crawling in the traditional sense, but she can get wherever she wants to go (it just takes her a little longer). She's also started pulling up onto her knees any time she can find something the right height to help her. Her favorite pastimes include tipping over her toy bins and pulling out the toys (and laying on some), playing peek-a-boo, and crinkling paper. She still puts everything into her mouth, but no teeth.

Most of the pictures of her with the Lorax turned out like this.

But, we got one good one in...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Our Puppy Part Two

What is that under her toy mirror?

Oh! It's a Peter Rabbit rattle!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Our Little Puppy

Annabelle has always put things in her mouth. It's most definitely her favorite pasttime. But, now she's been putting things in her mouth and then using her hands to reach for more things. Here's an example... I was getting her changed and gave her a sock to play with. This is what she did with it...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Crawling Update

Here's her crawling progress as of Friday. Even since then she's been getting faster and better at staying straight.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mine! All Mine!

Annabelle is on her way!
She crawled/inched over to her toy bins and over went the first one...

Apparently, that wasn't enough. Over went the second one...