Monday, June 28, 2010

One Month Old

Hi! I'm one month old!

I took the above picture on Sunday morning. Her one month "birthday" and happened to catch one of her sort-of smiles.
She is now 20 1/2 inches and 9 pounds, 2 1/2 ounces. So, she's grown one inch and gained 1 1/2 pounds! What a good little eater!

Yum! Chili Spaghetti! (Thank you Aunt Clare and Erica for the awesome high chair)

She had her one month pediatrician appointment today. It was also my first experience with taking her to the doctor (I couldn't make it to her one week appointment...epidural headache). She did very well. First, she had all her measurements taken. Then, she had a quick exam with a nurse practitioner student and another with the pediatrician. She wasn't a happy baby by the time it was the pediatrician's turn.

I had a happy parenting moment at the pediatrician's office. She was screaming by the time the doctor was done and still screaming when the doctor picked her up, but she calmed down almost immediately when the doctor put her back in my arms :) Now, if only she'd do that from about 9-11am and 4-9pm every day. Speaking of her fussy times... That's the bad news...after writing down my observations, convinced there was something about her feedings causing all the fussiness, the pediatrician diagnosed it as...colic :( She said to just keep doing what I'm doing in trying to calm her down and that things should start getting better by the time she's about 3 months. So, what am I doing? Here are some things that (sometimes) calm down a fussy Annabelle:

The swing (as previously mentioned and photographed)
Being propped up in the Boppy pillow and watching the fish tank (or mom/dad's face)
Having someone walk around with her (the Moby makes this much easier)
Being swaddled
Rocking in glider while I hum
Going outside (as I discovered yesterday, she loves looking at the leaves)
Rocking in the car seat
Driving (well, being driven around)
Being pushed around in the stroller
A pacifier
We just never know which is going to work and for how long (2 minutes? 40 minutes? not at all?)

Here are some pics of the Boppy and the Moby.

Ah...this is the life (at 5:30am).

Can you see her head of hair poking out?

I also finally got some pictures of her little, tiny feet.


  1. Happy 1 month Annabelle!!! Another random thing that sometimes helps us is that if I'm holding him and sort of bouncing him and it still doesn't work - I'll go stand in front of the fan. I don't really let it blow directly on his face, more on the back of him - but it seems to help. Sometimes. :)

  2. She's adorable Michelle!! And totally smiling in that first photo. :) We missed you this weekend, but you're so blessed with this little angel!! lots of hugs and kisses!
