Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Little about Annabelle

Some things I've learned about Annabelle during her first few weeks.

She is a pretty good sleeper. She loves to be swaddled although I'm afraid she's getting too hot sometimes. Maybe it's time to turn down the thermostat a little more. A pic of her all swaddled up.

She can follow things with her eyes as long as you don't move them too quickly.

This face means, "I'm trying to poop!"

We have the Dr Seuss quilt folded over the back of the glider. While burping her over my shoulder, she loves to lift her head up to look at the characters. Sometimes she'll try to scratch at them.

Speaking of holding her head up; she's incredibly strong. Here's a pic of her holding it up to look at Kris while hanging out on the Boppy pillow.

She hates baths. But, on the upside, she wears herself out and sleeps really well afterward. Something we'll have to keep in mind. Here's a rare moment that she wasn't screaming during her first dip in the tub.

And, no matter how I try to comb it, her hair has a mind of it's own and generally ends up looking like this.