Monday, December 14, 2009

Week 17

Description (from Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy):
"Eyebrows and hairs on your baby's scalp are continuing to appear this week. Your baby is probably continuing to have bout of the hiccups. Although you aren't able to hear them, you may begin to feel them, especially if this is your second baby. This week, brown fat is beginning to develop under your baby's skin. This will help keep your baby warm after birth, when the temperature change from your uterus to the outside world will be quite noticeable, to say the least. Your baby will add more layers of fat in the later months of your pregnancy. Baby is now about 5 inches long and weighs about 5 ounces."

Had our "16 week" doctor's appointment on Friday before leaving for a mini-vacation to Kansas City. We got to hear the baby's heart beat again (in the 140's) and the baby kept kicking the doppler and doing "flips." It's so reassuring to hear all that movement before I can feel it.
Found out at the doctor's office that as of October my TSH level had risen in the past 6 months. Had it checked again on Friday and just got a call today that it's still too high, so I have to go pick up a prescription for Synthroid tomorrow.

Total Weight Gain:
0 pounds. The good news is that I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight, after losing about 4 pounds in the first trimester!

Maternity Clothes:
I don't need maternity clothes quite yet, but I'm having to unbutton my pants an awful lot. What I need to do is get a Bella Band the next time I'm in Target. I did go to a consignment store and Motherhood Maternity this past week to look at pants and the problem seems to be that they only come in S, M, L. I need an XS short length...guess I'll just have to keep looking...

Stretch Marks: Nope.

Still very tired and easily worn out. I definitely missed my body pillows while we were at the hotel this weekend.
Best Moment This Week:
Listening to the baby kick the doppler. Kris says the baby was just checking the microphone. Movement:
Lots according to the doppler, but can't feel it yet. The doctor said it may be a few weeks since I'm still a bit small.

Food Cravings: Nope. I had hibachi steak on Saturday night...fist time I've enjoyed beef since September!


Labor Signs:
Certainly not.
Belly Button:

What I Miss: Being able to eat a full meal without unbuttoning my jeans.

What I'm Looking Forward To:
Baby's first Christmas...this counts, right? :)

None, really.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited to be reading your baby blog!!!! Congratulations!!!!
