Monday, December 7, 2009

Week 16

The skeletal system and nervous system have made enough connections to coordinate limb and body movement. In addition, your baby's facial muscles are now developed well enough to allow for a variety of expressions. Inside your uterus, your baby may be squinting or frowning at you, although these movements aren't conscious expressions of emotions.
Your baby's skeletal system in continuing to develop as more calcium is deposited on the bones. If you're having a girl, millions of eggs are forming in her ovaries this week. Beginning at 16 weeks, your baby's eyes are sensitive to light.
Although you probably don't even know it, your baby may be having frequent bouts of the hiccups. Hiccups often develop before a baby's breathing movements become common. Because your baby's trachea is filled with fluid rather than air, the hiccups don't make the characteristic hiccup sound.
At 16 weeks into your pregnancy, your baby is between 4 and 5 inches longs and weighs a bit less than three ounces.


What an event-filled week! Hiccups and frowns! I've been getting hiccups quite often as well.

How Far Along:
16 weeks

Total Weight Gain:

Not sure. Had lost 4 lbs. at the last doctor's appt (12 weeks). Hopefully I've at least gained that back...we'll find out on Friday. Maybe we should invest in a scale?

Maternity Clothes:
Not yet. My pants are a bit uncomfortable when I sit down, but I have a few pairs that are a bit larger. Guess I should start looking for maternity clothes soon though.

Stretch Marks:
Haven't stretched too much, so no marks yet!

Yes, please.

Best Moment This Week:
Setting up the Christmas tree, I was really excited to hang up the "Baby's First Christmas" ornament from my first Christmas (in 1979). The best part is knowing that next year we'll get to add another "first Christmas" ornament to the tree.


Supposedly he's/she's moving around like crazy in there, but haven't felt it yet.

Food Cravings:
Pizza, but that's nothing particular to pregnancy :) and pickles (I know, how cliche!)


Labor Signs:
No no no!

Belly Button:
Looks the same. I'm an innie.

What I Miss:
Being able to sit on the floor up against a couch or something without getting a backache.

What I Look Forward To:
Our 16 week doctor's appointment on Friday. Not much going on at it, but I'll find out if I've gained some weight!

Less nausea!!!! :)
Uncomfortable buttoning of my jeans when sitting.

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