Saturday, April 30, 2011

11 Months!!

Annabelle turned 11 months old a few days ago. I can hardly believe there is less than one month left until she hits the big ONE! What's she up to these days?

She is eating more...about 10-12 ounces of baby food, some solid food, and 22-28 ounces of formula a day. It helps that she now has 5 teeth (three of which came in about a week ago) and she's working on a few more. Much to our chagrin, she is still waking at least once a night to eat.
Not sure how tall she is or how much she weighs; we'll find out at her one year appointment.

Annabelle loves to be outside; we've spent many afternoons "weeding" (she looks at rocks, I weed), playing on the playground (I think the wood chips are her favorite part), and watching the neighbor boys play on their bikes and skateboards (you can just see her trying to figure out how she can do the same things they do!) She also likes to take baths (and splash!); pull things out of drawers, boxes, bins, etc.; "run" from couch cushion to couch cushion grabbing her toys off the couch; and inspect anything new or different.

She has been in a pointing mood lately. As we walk around she points and things and says "ooh" or "uh", wanting to know what everything is. She has also become quite the babbler. Still no official words, but it seems that she says "mama" and "dada" purposefully at times.

Last, but not least, Annabelle is a stander! She has been able to stand for a few seconds at a time for about a month now, but she now stands whenever the mood strikes. She can even stand, crouch to pick up a toy, and stand back up without assistance!

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