Monday, February 21, 2011

Our Little Monkey

Annabelle just LOVES to climb! At home, she climbs on her exersaucer, on the couch cushions (I put them on the floor), on her toys and on US! The other day, she almost climbed out of her exersaucer. While we've had all this beautiful weather, I've been taking her to the park as much as possible so she can climb to her heart's content. This weekend we were lucky enough to get one more beautiful day and Kris and I were BOTH able to see how much fun she has at the park. Her favorite thing this time was to climb through a hole in a rock wall. She did it over and over...trying to chase the leaves that were blowing around on the ground.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Just wait, before you know it, she'll be climbing out of her crib!
